Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Creativity by Ken Robinson for my Indie Etsy Artfire Friends

I discovered TED today. I want you to know about this wonderful collection of video moments.

Four all-time favorite TED talks

If you're new to TED, these are the talks you should start with.

Hilarious story-telling contains an irresistibly inspiring message.
I think all of us who are creative need this video to spread to the lost parents and educators of the world who kill the creativity in our children. They have often made us artistic types feel like failures but they will not win. They didn't in my life or yours.
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The Etsy Calculator Figure Your Listing Price for Profit.

Need help figuring out your Etsy listing prices?

This tip was found on Tara's blog. She is the creator of The AD Directory. The ad directory helps you place and sell ads directly on your blog. I will be working on that today and will blog about my progress. If you join The Ad Directory make sure to friend me.
Do you ever wish you'd listed your item at just a slightly higher price after you've seen your profit after fees are deducted
If so, this is going to make your life a lot easier! Brooke of Shopmollyd found this amazing tool by Ryan Olbe.

The Etsy Calculator helps you determine what your listing price should be in order to get your desired profit after fees. All you need to do is enter your profit price and the calculator does the rest for you. Thank goodness for people like Ryan who are good at math!!